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Servicios > Pulchra Innovation > Allowances on patentsof intangible assets (PATENT BOX)

The tax incentive ‘Patent Box ‘allows companies to reduce by up to 60% the taxable base on incomes with origin on the assignment or transfer of patents and/or certain intangible assets,that both big companies and also small and medium entities currently exploit, to promote the international development of Spanish Companies.


Personalized advice for a correct application.

Our experience in patents,  in general assisting the entire operation process from the assignor to the assignee.

A professional team of lawyers and engineers specialized in intellectual and industrial property.

For more information click here.


  • Compatible with other tax deductions and with other R&D&r incentives
  • No loss of IP rights on patents because of the assignment.
  • Incentive to companies irrespective of size and sector.
  • Total accessibility: applies to any company subject to corporate income tax.
  • No time or quantity limitation in the application of the Patent Box.

Velázquez 35

3rd floor right

28001 Madrid


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