Spanish government approves the PERTES for Naval, Aerospace and Digitalization of the water cycle

Last March, the PERTES Naval, Aerospace and Water Cycle Digitalization were approved with the aim of promoting the Spanish naval industry, R&D&I in the aeronautical and space sector, and the Digitalization of the Water Cycle to modernize the sector by moving towards a more efficient and sustainable management.
The naval PERTE aims to promote the diversification of the Spanish naval industry and its sustainable, technological and digital development. It is expected to mobilize 1,460 million euros. 
The Strategic Aerospace Project is aimed at strengthening capacities in the aerospace field, as well as promoting the ecological and digital transition in the sector through R&D&I. It is expected to mobilize close to 4.5 billion euros. 
The PERTE for the Digitalization of the Water Cycle has as its most powerful line of action the implementation of aid to promote the digitalization of the urban water cycle, irrigation and industry. More than 3,000 million euros will be mobilized. 
To date, the following PERTES have been approved by the Government, together with those announced in this article. 
PERTE for the naval industry
PERTE Aerospace
PERTE for the digitalization of the water cycle
PERTE for the development of the electric and connected vehicle.
PERTE for cutting-edge health
RET RET for renewable energies, renewable hydrogen and storage
E PERTE Agri-food
PERTE New language economy
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