On October 29, 2019, the book “Cántabras. NUESTRO LEGADO” from Editorial WhatDoesn’t Exist, where influential women explain the keys to leadership.Written byCarlota Lorenzana, Gema Igual Ortiz, Victoria Ortega, Beatriz Recio, Iciar Amorrortu,Isabel Farré, Rocío Vielva, Marian Rueda, Cristina Pardo Rojo, Mercedes Pescador, EvaFernández Cobo, Laura Sainz de Aja, Marian Martínez, Odette Álvarez, Maite Rodriguez
García, Irma Arroyo, Pilarina and Sonia Pascual, Mara Dierssen, Begoña Echezarreta.With a foreword by Isabel Tocino and the participation of the Director of the Office ofthe European Parliament, María Andrés, who provides data and figures on thesituation of women in Europe. This book is part of a Communication and PublicRelations campaign around female talent, coordinated by Medialuna Comunicación
and supported by the Office of the European Parliament.