How do we demonstrate that our company is committed to privacy protection?
Do we perform data protection audits and what are they for?
Is the cookie policy of our company’s website correct?
Do we take into account legal aspects when developing new technologies in our company?
If we are software creators or users, do we protect our rights from the point of view of intellectual and contractual property?
Do we comply with minimum standards in terms of information security?
Estudio de Abogados Martín Villa & Asociados presents through Pulchra Legal new areas in the field of Digital Law in which to serve its clients.
In contrast to the modernity of these services, they are represented with works of art by Francisco de Goya following our line of homage to our great Spanish painter. With a subtle double meaning in the choice of the same. From the “Quitasol” as an element of protection in the area of privacy and data protection, with a child Don Manuel Osorio Enrique de Zuñiga, who is represented as a rigid doll, somewhat artificial and surrounded by animals loaded with symbolism, such as curiosity and confinement.
The work of “la gallina Ciega” reminding us of the importance of the senses, especially that of sight, associated with the area of technology and audiovisual, and “Vuelo de Brujas” where we have a frightened character with his hands on his head, an ass that represents ignorance and two figures that are ready to suck the blood of a third party, all very interesting when thinking about cybersecurity, as we will throw our hands to our heads, if because of our ignorance on the subject, hackers attack us and steal our company’s information.

Privacy and data protection
Our data protection specialists are imbued within the company’s activity, understanding its strategy and objectives. Accompanying companies in their day-to-day business. We offer customized solutions to avoid sanctions and reputational damage.

Disruptive technologies.
Artificial intelligence, Blockchain, ehealth.
When developing these technologies it is important to take into account legal aspects from the beginning. Attention must be paid from design to execution. Thus avoiding last minute surprises.
We offer our multidisciplinary expertise that allows us to anticipate the legal needs of the creators and developers of this type of technology and offer them the best strategy and solution.

Technology, telecommunications and audiovisual
From our experience we help software creators and user companies in the protection of their rights from the point of view of intellectual and contractual property.

Through a multidisciplinary team, made up of the best specialists in each field of Information Security, who have addressed the digital transformation of listed companies in the country (IBEX35), we offer consulting services tailored and in proportion, so that the large Spanish business/industrial fabric (SMEs) can execute with guarantees a transformation necessary for business survival in the coming years.