45th Anniversary of the Spanish Constitution

Today is an important day. The 45th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution, the foundation of our rights and freedoms and the pillar of our democracy.

At Pulchra and Estudio de Abogados Martín Villa & Asociados, we are proud to join in the celebration of


Our partner Juan Martín Llopis dedicates a few words remembering his father and founder of the firm Emilio Martín Villa and his uncle for their participation in the drafting of our Magna Carta.

“It was Wednesday 6th December 1978 and as a child, on a day like today 45 years ago, I remember perfectly how it was ratified with joy by 87.78% of the voters approving our “Constitution of Concord”, and I discovered then its meaning when my dear father explained it to me and discovered how he and his brother had contributed their grain of sand for its elaboration.

Today let us all defend our “Magna Carta” so that our rights are not violated, so that it guides and improves future rulers to prepare a great future for our children in our Great and Beloved Spain”.

Happy Constitution Day!