pulchra.es website launching as a global and personalized comprehensive service platform for companies

In April, a name that comes from the Latin “Aprilis” derived from the verb “Aprire” which means “Opening” “amplitude”. We launch our website with great enthusiasm so that our clients can know a wide range of services that we can offer them today.

The Law Firm Estudio Martín Villa & Asociados, together with its Consultant Pulchra Innovación has created PULCHRA, an organization with a structure of national professionals and with international strategic partners and collaborators,

A Site that shares history, that honors the founder of the Firm in 1956, Hon. Mr. Emilio Martín Villa and that shows our evolution and current position in law, advice, and consulting.

We consider a responsibility to grow our clients’ companies. Solve their needs beyond the legal profession. Important issues such as financing, obtaining tax incentives, advice on corporate operations and strategic consulting for business development, enhancing your image and your brands through Communication and Marketing.

Pulchra, whose origin is in the R + D + i Innovation Consulting, prints this character in all its areas. In our DNA we have advocacy, innovation, communication, and art. Without forgetting the family business. A combination of success to achieve our objectives and get involved in the growth and expansion of the business world.