The European Union creates an exceptional instrument to mitigate the economic and social impact of the COVID crisis. The objective is to provide financial support to Member States through direct transfers and credits. The endowment is 750,000 million euros, of which 140,000 million euros for Spain. (72.7 billion euros in grants and 67.3 billion euros in loans). Each Member State is working on its Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plans to access the funds. Spain has elaborated the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR) “Spain Can” that will count on the investment of 140,000 M€ coming from the Next Generation EU Funds, to carry out investments and structural reforms that will allow the recovery and modernization of our economy.

What are the objectives of the Recovery Plan?
- Ecological transition
- Digital transformation
- Social and territorial cohesion
- Gender equality
Will there be funds for SMEs?
The fact that SMEs and the self-employed will be the main beneficiaries is one of the main objectives of the Recovery Plan. Among the 10 policies included in the digital transformation axis, the one referring to modernization and digitization of the ecosystem of our companies has a component for the Promotion of SMEs. The Government incorporates specific actions dedicated to boosting SMEs, micro-SMEs and the self-employed, developing investments to achieve:
- Promote entrepreneurship
- Promote business growth
- Facilitate the digital transition and boost business innovation
- Boosting the trade sector
- Promote internationalization
How to obtain these European aids?
Ministries, autonomous regional bodies and local entities make a large amount of aid available to the Spanish business network. Identifying, selecting and processing these aids is not easy. At Pulchra Innovación, we listen and know our clients’ needs, we accompany them during the whole process of applying for grants, from the drafting of the projects, to the obtaining of the funds, monitoring and management.

Why Pulchra Innovación?
Our experience of more than 15 years in management and processing of public aids.
Consultancy specialized in integral services for the management of tax incentives and deductions, public aids and subsidies.
Legal security. The guarantee of our law firm Martín Villa & Asociados, founded in 1956.
Our integral legal and strategic consulting service for companies in Grupo Pulchra.
Personalized and specialized treatment. National and international network of collaborators.
We have an exceptional team. Talent, seriousness, confidentiality and professionalism. Commitment to our clients and collaborators.